Monday, August 25, 2008

It has begun....

The new semester, that is. So maybe it's not as momentous as my post title would indicate, but after a hectic summer of shooting Endings, breaking my wrist, having surgery, and more, the start of the semester seems like a major event (and I'm sure it's much more "major" for my students, as their summer freedom is now over for another year).

I'm not eager to get ridiculously busy, but I do like being on a more regular schedule. I'm much more productive that way.

I don't have much more to say today, but my blogging has been spotty of late, so I thought I'd get back on the old horse and start posting again.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Glad to see some updates to the blog. Hope your semester started off well and things are running smoothly. Hopefully, like you said, not as hectic as the summer shoot...which was a blast.

I wish the best for everyone still working on post. I'm very eager to see the film come together.

Good to hear your doing well Chris, it's not the same not going to class with you and Brian anymore. Now it's just a constant search for work, haha.

Take care and talk to you soon.

8/31/2008 11:10 PM  
Blogger Chris Hansen said...

Hey 'Fro, good to hear from the you, man. Thanks for checking in -- hope the job search is going well. Let me know how it is going, and I'll keep in touch with everyone as we get closer to the end of post on Endings.

9/01/2008 6:50 PM  

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