Monday, June 20, 2011

Shooting An Affair: Behind the Scenes prep

We don't starting today until later (it's going to be another all-nighter, since it's an exterior night scene). But there's a lot of prep going on regardless.

We're closing some streets tonight - so that means we need to pick up the barriers from the city this afternoon before we set up.

We are using a swing set today, so someone had to go pick up the set where we were storing it and set it up on the property at which we're shooting.

We are 'borrowing' power (with permission) from a local merchant. He is allowing us to run some extension cords from his business so that we can use the power after hours. That means our Gaffer has to head over there this afternoon to run all the power cords. It also means that if we blow a breaker, we can't reset it. So our electrical planning has to be very precise.

Did I mention that the wind was blowing so hard that my hat blew off my head several times? I'm hoping the wind will die down before this evening.

Also, our prop/art direction folks are working on tomorrow night's shoot, which takes place at a tapas restaurant. I wrote the scene, but I've had tapas only once or twice in my life (and I let someone else order when I did). Translation: I know nothing about tapas except for what I looked up online. So my art director is having to prep the tapas for the scene tomorrow night.

A long day before a long night. As you can see, it requires a lot of coordination and a lot of people to pull this off.


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