Thursday, May 29, 2008

T-minus 7 days...

Yes, one week until production begins on Endings. (Side note: what does the "t-minus" stand for anyway?).

There is still a lot to do, but I have to start getting into "production mode" -- I already nearly shaved my head (i.e., no worrying about my hair getting too long during the shoot.

I've also pretty much resigned myself to the fact that we're going to start production with several locations "unconfirmed" or not locked down. This always seems to happen; not sure why it's the hardest part of making films (for me). It just is. And it means I'll have to go with whatever we can gain access to in mid-shoot, with very little opportunity for me to look over the location and see how well it will work. On American Messiah, there was one location that we didn't confirm until the morning of the day we were using it.

So, it is what it is. That part drives me crazy, but we're doing all we can.


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