ENDINGS Post-Production Update
Of course, I'm still watching it one or two scenes at a time. Once we get each scene working as well as it can, we have to go back and see how it all fits together, which will necessitate another round of cutting. But right now, it feels like I'm watching the cut come together, which is nice.
I also met this week with a group of Entertainment Marketing students who have been working on ideas for marketing the film, getting the word out to potential audiences, etc. Once of their best ideas, I think, came in the form of a "submit your video" competition, where people can "Describe YOUR Ending" -- in other words, describe what your last day would be like, if you knew today was to be your last. I really like the idea of getting people to submit such videos (through YouTube or Vimeo or some other web video tool). It could potentially get people talking about the ideas in the film, thinking about how you might want to spend your last day. And, after all, that is one of the primary "hooks" of the film.
I'm curious what blog readers think of this idea. If you have an opinion, feel free to express it in the comments.