Fall semester classes ended last week, and I've got all my projects graded and final grades posted as of this afternoon. That's always a big load off my mind, as my classes tend to be very project drive, and I end up with long projects due at the end of the semester, requiring an intense period of grading. But I saw some really great work from my students.
Also on tap this week: jury duty. Yay. I have to drive to a neighboring town because I was assigned to a trial there. It's abotu 30 minutes away (as opposed to the ten minute drive to downtown Waco where local trials take place).
So I have Tuesday and Wednesday to work on syllabi for next semester, specifically my course on "Mavericks of the 1970s American Cinema." We'll be studying Coppola, Scorsese, Altman, Kubrick, and others. It's one of my favorite periods of the cinema, and I'm looking forward to delving into it once again to teach the course. I've been working on my screening schedule for the semester, breaking it down by which films (from the 70s) I should show from each filmmaker. The big ones are easy (i.e., the major films from the filmmakers I mentioned above). By focusing on just the 70s, I can show almost all of the films they made in that limited period. Where I'm vacillating is on the other films and filmmakers to show. I want to show Lucas's
THX 1138 and possibly
American Grafitti (though I've never loved that film, to be honest). Spielberg's
Close Encounters of the Third Kind will be fun to revisit. I'm thinking about
The Parallax View and
The Candidate to explore the political atmosphere (or to explore how politics impacted the filmmakers of the period). Any other recommendations?
In other news, I finally had a successful grant application. I won a small grant to pay for some student labor on my next (short) film, which I'll be shooting on and off through the spring and summer. It's called
Clean Freak.