I finally got back to the theater this weekend, to see a Coen Bros. film, of course. I mean, if you're going to make it out the theater, it might as well be a film that promises to be good.
Burn After Reading was quite good -- expertly made and acted. It's a "lesser Coen Bros." movie, in the sense that it isn't too deep and it covers ground that they covered well in past films like
But lesser Coen Bros. work is still pretty good work.
I went to the movie with a friend, and he noted afterward that this was the kind of movie either of us would love to write -- but which would never get made if we did. It's just one of those industry things, I guess. The Coen Bros. can make a movie like this, given their clout, but if I wrote this exact same script as a spec and sent it around, it probably wouldn't spark too much interest...
That might sound annoying or pessimistic, but I'm just at the point where I view it as reality and nothing more. Frustrating, yes. But it's just the way it is.
I'm being charitable to myself, I think, because on another day this past week, I would have happily railed about how unjust that is...